Daily spoonful

Whether you're a postulant father yet to score at pregnancy pinball, or a budding philanderer with a few mistakes lurking in his recent history folder, new findings at Sydney IVF centre will be of interest to you. Doctors have traditionally advocated sex every other day as the best conception recipe, though the Australian study concluded that daily ejaculation improves the quality of sperm by reducing the amount of time they are exposed to damaging molecules. Semen volume inevitably falls, it notes, but potency increases. So what does this mean? Far be it from us to make lifestyle prescriptions, moral or otherwise, but it appears to boil down thusly: if you're trying for kids, don't hold back; if, on the other hand, you're concerned you might end up with one, try to limit your conquests.

Crude? Not us. It's called science.

Exercise To Improve Men Power For Sex

You know that working out is good for your health. But did you know that hitting the gym could also help you have better sex? “Working out three to four times a week can do a lot to help your sexual technique, flexibility, and endurance,” says Pete McCall, MS, an exercise physiologist and personal trainer for the American Council on Exercise (ACE). So what types of exercise are best for better sex? McCall recommends the following five “sex exercises.”
Better Sex Exercise No. 1: Weight Lifting
Strength training could be just what the doctor ordered for your sex life. The reason: “Weight lifting causes the body to produce testosterone, which is the primary precursor for the male sex drive,” says McCall, who recommends lifting enough to feel fatigue by the 10th repetition. In fact, some studies have linked short intense exercise, such as weight lifting, with increased testosterone levels. To improve your sex life, do some push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches. These muscle-building exercises can help lead to better sex by strengthening the shoulders, chest, and abs. Strong upper body strength can increase stamina since these muscles are used during intercourse.
Better Sex Exercise No. 2: Kegels
Doing Kegels is considered a good sex exercise for men because these exercises can help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles — the ones that let you stop the flow of urine mid-stream. Named after Los Angeles physician Arnold Kegel, they strengthen the muscles in your body’s pelvic floor, which can lead to better sex. “Men can use Kegels to delay ejaculation by contracting these muscles just before orgasm,” says McCall. To do Kegels, start by interrupting the flow of urine when going to the bathroom to get familiar with your PC muscles. After that, you can do Kegels anytime and any place by squeezing the PC muscles. Hold for 10 seconds, relax, and do as many reps as you can before tiring.
Better Sex Exercise No. 3: Yoga
Want to shake up your sex life with some new positions? Practicing yoga will give you better sex by allowing your body to get into creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse. “Yoga will help your flexibility,” which can result in better sex, McCall says. Some experts say it can also improve your stamina in the sack by drawing your energy in and up. McCall recommends yoga poses that improve pelvic muscles, such as the Bow Pose, Peacock Pose (also called the Forearm or Elbow Balance), and Shoulder Stand.
Better Sex Exercise No. 4: Fast Walking
In a study of 31,000 men over age 50, Harvard researchers found that aerobic exercise resulted in a 30-percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). More specifically, according to another study, aerobic activity that burns at least 200 calories per day (equal to fast walking for two miles) can significantly lower the risk of ED. Brisk walking is thought to help ED by improving circulation and blood flow. “Fast walking, running, and other aerobic activities help your sex life for the same reason that they prevent heart attacks,” says McCall. “They keep your blood vessels clear.” The result can be stronger and longer erections. Vigorous activities, such as running and brisk walking, also release endorphins and relax you, which can boost sexual performance.
Secrets of the Female Orgasm
Better Sex Exercise No. 5: Swimming
In another Harvard study of 160 male and female swimmers, swimmers in their 60s reported sex lives comparable to those in their 40s. Since sexual activity can be an act of endurance, long-distance swimming can keep you going and going like the Energizer bunny. “Swimming for at least 30 minutes three times a week will increase sexual endurance,” says McCall. Swimming is also a great activity for weight loss, which can also lead to better sex. A randomized, single-blind study of 110 obese men with ED found that losing just 10 percent of their body weight improved sexual function in one third of the men. And it’s no secret that losing excess body fat will help attain those six-pack abs and make you more attractive to potential partners. The result: better sex!
Try doing some (or all) of the above workouts to improve your sexual technique, endurance, and flexibility. Your mate will be impressed with your sexual powers and, as a side benefit, you’ll get healthier and fitter along the way.
Learn more in the Everyday Health Men's Health Center.

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How To Attract a Girl

Attracting Women Naturally Is Simple!
Here is why:
Attraction can happen instantly. You see a girl, a girl sees you. And there’s a spark. There’s interest, and curiosity. All in just a split second, before you even had the chance to utter a single word.
That’s attraction. Love-at-first-sight? Not exactly. It’s more like attraction at first impression. And, you can take advantage of that.

It’s Simple If You
Know How

You won’t need to use any tricks, sneaky tactics, or do anything weird. You use what you already have to make a favorable impression on her. How?
Think of it like this: Let’s say someone wants to take a picture of you and she only has one chance to do that. What do you do so it comes out great? You present your best side, right?
Same is true with women.
You just have to be attractive or interesting enough to pass that initial snap judgment when she first becomes aware of your existence (which can happen without you even noticing).
Look, first impressions happen at about 13 milliseconds. That’s less than a second. That’s faster than a blink of an eye — which is 100 to 400 milliseconds. So you better be prepared, every time.
That is your first hurdle to attracting women. And the first area you need to examine when no woman checks you out or even gives you a second glance or ignores you as if you don’t exist.
Because… that is exactly what happens when you don’t take advantage of that less-than-a-second chance you’ve been given to get a girl to form a strong opinion of you.
And that’s not all.

You Only Have One
Shot At This

You see, most meetings in life happen only once. You get one chance to capture someone’s fancy, most of the time. That’s it. If you don’t make it count… it is ultimately lost forever.
That’s why you’ll hear most people call it a “chance meeting”. Once you miss that opportunity, it’s gone. Poof.
And, if you’re not properly taking advantage of the power of first impressions, if you don’t snag her interest at those crucial split second, you’ll have more work to do (later) if you want to get her interested.

Don’t Make It Harder
For Yourself

And it doesn’t matter where you try to meet women — streets, subway, coffee shop, book store, club, party, school, college, workplace, or anywhere else.
You’ll have to woo her. Charm her. And chase her, instead of the other way around — girls chasing you. You could have saved the time and skipped all that and went straight to the good part. The part where she’s doing all the work for you.
So to make things easy for yourself, let’s get this one out of the way first.
How do you…

Get The Absolute Best First Impression?

sex-appeal-quoteI thought you’d never ask. You might think it’s about the way you look. And you’re right, for the most part. What you wear, and how you present yourselfexternally gets a major part of her vote.
And that’s easy to fix.
Here’s a simple way if you need help with your clothes: Ask some friend of yours who  knows what they’re doing in this area. If you have friends with good taste, get their opinion.
You don’t need the expensive items or even look like you’re modeling for a magazine. But it has to be your own unique style.

There’s More To It Than
Just How You Look

Did you know that the way you talk, the sound of your voice, the way you walk, how you interact, and all the little things she perceives of you counts just as important if not more?
It’s true.
Even if you wear an expensive and fashionable suit, the best suit you can find but… if you don’t “own” it, you’re just wasting it all away. And we can’t have that, can we?
So, to get the most of it, you need to match your body language and your vibe to the identity you’re trying to project.
Here’s a small change can you do right away that will give your first impression a massive boost and attract women instantly. A quick body language tweak you can easily do. So simple yet…

The Difference It Makes To
Your Attractiveness
Is Unmistakable!

Here it is: Look straight ahead. Lift your head up. And move in a slow and controlled manner. This will make your first impressions a lot better. (You’ll know why in a minute.)
If you present yourself in a way that when she takes a snap shot of you she likes what she sees, even by just a little bit, you can pass this initial trial. You’llhave her wanting for more. And that is all you need to make your next move.
But before we get to that, there’s something crucial you should know first.
You see, no matter what you do or how great of a guy you are, some women are just not going to be interested in you, for some reason or another. This could have something to do with how she grew up, her social programming, or whatever. Or you’re simply not her type.
It happens.
And if her initial opinion of you is bad, she’ll ignore you no matter what you do. Your low value is already cemented in her mind. When there’s a big neon sign inside her head that says, “Nah”. There’s very little you can do to change that.
Just know you won’t always be able to attract all and every women you set your sights on. That, simply… is not possible.
So what do you then? Simple. You move on to the next girl.
Some guys make the mistake of spending all their time and energy into pursuing the one girl who’s not even interested in them in the slightest. Big, big, BIG mistake.

Don’t Make The Same Mistake

Don’t waste your time on someone who’s not even interested in what you have to offer. Your time is too precious to chase skirts and act like a whooped dog when you don’t get what you want. There will always be another girl you can attract.
Move on. Next.
On the other hand, if you got her interested within that split second. And she obviously has the hots for you, you’re a big “Yes” in her mind, then of course you proceed to the next step.
That’s how you…

Attract Women Instantly
And Naturally

But if you missed your chance to impress a girl at that moment. Don’t lose hope just yet.
If her first impression of you is neutral, meaning she doesn’t have an opinion of you, neither good nor bad, you’re a “Maybe” in her pretty little head, you can still tip the scale to your favor. This will take some work on your part but… you still have a chance.
And if you’re serious about learninghow to attract women, that “chance” is all you need. You can still flip that “Maybe” in her mind into a flashing “Yes”.
Here’s how: To really know how to attract a girl, you have to know how she’s wired, what makes her tick. and what turns her on. In short, you have to know…

What Women Want In A Man

Let’s start with one of the most important if not “the” most important of all.
If you want to attract women you gotta have this, no question about it. Read any book on how to attract beautiful women and you’ll find at least a chapter about it. That’s how important it is.
You can’t take attracting women and this attractive male quality from each other. What am I talking about? I’m sure you’ve it guessed by now.
It’s confidence!
You’ll see this attractive male trait in how a guy moves, talks and interacts with other people. Remember how I told you to make slow controlled movements? That is to project confidence.
And here’s another big quality that attracts women: Ask any woman what she looks for in a man and this is always one of the things she’ll tell you. This male quality will easily get her to relax around you. Want to guess what it is? Go ahead.
It’s sense of humor.
Did you get that one right? Listen: If you have these two qualities, you can be a bum and still get a girl. But for most women looking for a serious and steady relationship, that’s not going to be enough, for obvious reasons.
And if you want to meet quality, exciting women, you gotta be something more than just a guy who’s able make her laugh. You gotta be able to protect her and provide for her. And what do you need to do that?
Read more of what attracts women to men to get an idea.
Rest assured, knowing what women want will give you a definite edge over the next guy, not just in attracting the opposite sex, but also in improving the overall quality of your life.
These are the attractive qualities of a high value man. Make use of these to get a girl to like you. And don’t leave it all to chance because…

You’re Not Just Another Guy
 To Get Lucky
With Her

You’re the rare kind, you have other interests besides her, and you let her earn it. How?
With your “attraction skills”, of course.
What are attraction skills, you ask? Well, consider this: What do you call someone who looks like a soldier, talks like a soldier but with no soldier skills? I don’t know either. What I do know is when they send him to the battlefield, I bet you a donut he won’t know what to do.
Same goes with attraction skills. Attraction skills will allow you to do what you have to do to get a girl attracted to you on the front lines of dating.
Maybe you’re thinking, “But, I don’t have any attraction skills!”
That’s no problem at all. Like anything worth doing, you can learn them. That’s what this site is for. And I don’t believe you don’t have any attraction skills. You’ll know why in a minute.
For now, what you need to understand is you need to have these skills. Why? The answer is simple. Even if a girl happens to like what she sees and you pass that initial hurdle during those crucial split second, she won’t do anything about it… openly.

She’ll Be Subtle And Send
You These Hidden

You need to keep your radar sharp because you’re still stuck decoding all of her signals and it is still your role as “the man” to act on it if you recognize them for what they are — your “green light” to proceed with operation “get the girl”, while avoiding landlines and pitfalls.
Attraction skills will allow you to do that. You will know if she’s interested. You will know what signs you can expect to see if a girl is attracted to you which, you won’t get to see if you’re not consciously uncovering them.
These signs will become obvious to you but hidden to the untrained eye.
And reading those signals is part of your attraction skills. If you’re oblivious to them, do you know what will happen? She’ll get cold, give up and move on. This happens more often than you think. True.
All in all, if you don’t have the social and attraction skills, nothing happens eventually. You still go your separate ways even if you passed the initial hurdle.
Most of all, when you learn the skills of attracting women, you can make almost anything work, even the worse “pickup” lines you can think of. Even gibberish. It won’t matter what you say to her. You can still make her open up to you. And get the girl. Isn’t that what you want?

So, Where Do You Start?

Ah, that’s good question. Attraction skills are just your good ol’ regular people skills with one goal in mind, to attract women. If you have the social skills, all you need is the goal and the techniques and strategies to reach that goal.
And there you have it. Attraction skills are your attraction-specific and women-getting social skills.
So, you start by taking a look at what you have and what you don’t have. Take a look at what you can and can’t do right now, what you’re lacking, where you’re weak at, what you need to improve, what part of the road of attraction you’re stumbling.
Knowing your own personal stumbling block that’s hindering you from attracting women is always a good place to start.
Is it your conversation, approaching and opening, phone and texting, something else? Whatever it is, you can be sure you can get better at it if you have the right source of information. More on this later.
For now, let me give you some…

More How To Attract Women Tips

… so you have something you can use on the next girl you meet.
Here they are:
Smile. A simple smile can make you attractive and really makes dramatic difference in how the people you meet respond to you.
But here’s something you might not know about: Flashing your smile easily makes you insincere. It’s like you’re giving it away to just anyone. So instead of doing that, reveal your smile slowly like she’s earned it.
Doing this will make you much… more authentic.
Make eye contact. Hold her gaze a little longer. Studies have shown doing this will make you more dominant and powerful, warm and personable, attractive and likable, competent and valuable, trustworthy, honest, and sincere, confident and emotionally stable.
That’s a lot for just extending your gaze by a couple of seconds and, not looking away before she does. So, combine it with your smile… and you’reinstantly more attractive. And did I mention it also projects massive confidence?
Tease her and make her laugh. Be fun so she can relax. You’ll find women will want to be around you more. This is part of your conversational skills and shows you can be confident in any social situation.
Speak in a deep voice. It’s more attractive to women. And women can tell a lot about you by the way you sound and the way you talk to them.
Relax your body posture. Keep cool and collected. Women will find you much more attractive if you appear to have the ability to be calm in times of crisis.

What’s Next?

Listen: A desirable woman wants a desirable man. And a desirable woman will not consider a man who she thinks is lower than her.
So, become the man you want to be; a man with a challenging and excitinglife women are naturally attracted to. And conduct your life in a way that makes you feel good about yourself.

Further Reading…

Become a Badass at Attracting Women – An overview of the step-by-step process of attracting women so you’ll know what to do first and what to do next.
What Attracts Women to Men – A list qualities and traits most women find attractive in men so you can be more attractive to women.

Suggested Reading…

The Tao of Badass – Everything you have to know to become a badass with women.
How to Make Girls Chase – Lets you focus on the fundamentals first before you can become a ‘romancer’ and a ‘seducer’ so you can have girls chase you.
The 4 Elements of Game – One of the best book on picking up girls and helps you attract the girls you really want.


How to Date a Girl

Find yourself getting sexually attracted to a great girl? Use these ten steps on how to get a girl to have sex with you to arouse her and seduce her.

Getting to have sex with a girl you desire is a dream come true.
You may want to date her or you may find her extremely sexually attractive.
Firstly, the nicest way to get to have sex with a girl is to date her and take things forward with that.
You’ll fall in love with a great girl and you’ll have fun in every step of the way.
But whether you’re dating a girl or sharing a sexually exciting friendship, making a move to have sex is tricky business. [Read: How to have sex with a friend and make her your fuck buddy]
You can’t really talk about it too soon.
Neither can you make a move to have sex with her unless she approves your moves with reciprocation.
How to get a girl to have sex with you
One of the biggest issues with getting a girl to have sex with you for the first time is the trepidation associated with it.
One wrong move and it could tear a big split in the relationship.
Use these ten steps to get a girl to have sex with you and you really should have no trouble arousing her or having sex with her.
But if she does hesitate at any point, back away and apologize for rushing it. You may not have timed your moves to perfection. [Read: 6 ways to accidentally kiss a friend and get away with it!]
Get these ten moves right, and she’ll be more than happy to have sex with you!
#1 Let her see your great side. If you want to have sex with a girl, you definitely have to be good enough to get her attention. If she thinks you’re desirable and everything she wants in a great guy, half your work’s cut out for you already. [Read: 10 things women want in a perfect man]
#2 Let her know you’re interested in her. Talk to her, spend time with her, and let her catch you staring at her discreetly now and then. Make her wonder if you’re interested in her without revealing too much.
If you ask her out without making her like you first, she’ll lose the excitement of the mysterious relationship. Make her wonder what’s on your mind and you’ll make her fall in love with you without even asking her out. [Read: How to make a girl like you without asking her out]
#3 Get out of the friend zone. Unless you’re dating her already, the friend zone is a scary place to be. Friends don’t have sex with each other and they avoid getting sexually attracted to each other. Be her friend, but don’t be just another friend who’s got no sexual interest in her. Make it clear that you find her attractive and sexy.
Tease her sexually, compliment her outfit with sexy remarks and talk dirty with her. Both of you may be friends, but let her feel the sexual tension when you’re around her. [Read: How to avoid the friend zone and arouse her instead!]
#4 Spend more time with her. If you want to have sex with a girl, the only time you can work your magic is by getting some alone time with her. You need to flirt sexually and make her feel comfortable to be with you. But you can’t do that when there are other friends around.
Behave normally when there are other friends with her, but the second they walk away, say something like, “whew… now I get to spend some alone time with this sexy girl…” or something else that makes it clear that you find her attractive in a more-than-just-friends kind of way. [Read: 10 safe and flirty ways to build the sexual tension with a girl]
#5 Go out with her. You don’t have to fix a date to take her out. Grab lunch together at work or help her run an errand now and then. By doing that, you’re already taking the place of her boyfriend in her mind. [Read: How to attract a girl who has a boyfriend]
But always remember to keep the sexual excitement on a high. Or she’d just look at you as a friend.
#6 Touch her. And excite her. The touch is a very powerful way to send the right signals across without seeming desperate. Look for ways to touch her arm or clasp her hand at the opportune moment. The more you touch her delicately and sensually, the more sexually turned on she’d get. [Read: Tips to touch a girl when you’re out with her]
#7 Invite her to your place. Invite her to your pad, or get invited back to her place. You’ve built the sexual tension already. She knows you’re not just a friend, and she definitely knows you’re attracted to her already. By getting comfortable in each other’s places, it’s taking you one step closer to her bedroom and into her pants. After all, if you’re going to get a girl to have sex with you soon, you need to make her feel comfortable with you in each other’s private spaces.
#8 Give her a few sneak peeks. So she thinks you’re a nice guy who’s attracted to her. But that’s really not enough. You need to arouse her and force her to take little glances at your sexy side.
Look away from her and stretch casually when you have a hard on inside your jeans. Let her catch a sneak peek of your obliques and your rather low trousers when you’re changing your shirt at your place. Always look away when you’re flaunting your body to her. It gives her enough time to admire you sexually without the fear of getting caught. These moves will involuntarily make her get sexually attracted to you and desire you. [Read: A guy’s real life public flashing confession]
#9 Watch a movie together. Go out on a date or stay back at home and watch a movie. A movie involves a few hours of quiet time where both of you sit really close to each other. This is where you can touch her ever so slightly with your arm or your foot. Do it the right way and be patient, the chemistry can be electrifying. If you want to seduce a girl, absentmindedly graze your arm against hers with the slightest of touches while sitting next to her. It’ll turn her on before you know it! [Read: The art of flirting by touch]
#10 Arouse her the right way. If you want to know how to get a girl to have sex with you, you really need to remember that all the focus is on sexually exciting her and arousing her into making out with you. Never seem pushy, instead play it safe and slow instead of going too fast.
These ten tips on how to get a girl to have sex with you can help you do more than just kiss the girl you like or touch her breasts. There’s just one thing left to do now, read how to arouse a girl and make her kiss you to know the finer details of the next delicate move.
Article Source:

Online Sex Dating

This Is Not Funny ! This Is Really a Real Oppurtunity To GET Online Dating !

More Than 10 Million Date Hunters !

Before Joining ! Meet With Some Of Ours Success Stories


Time was, if you met your mate online, you developed a cover story: If anyone asked, you’d say you met in a bar or at kayaking lessons. Not anymore. Whether it’s the fact that many of us already conduct so much of our personal and business lives online, or the proliferation of online dating sites touting their successful matches, it’s perfectly acceptable to say, with pride, that you met the love of your life with your fingers on a keyboard, not wrapped around a cocktail at a singles event. Here, five women who found their mate (or were found) online, and went from email to walking down the aisle:


Crissy & Mark Baldwin, Boonton, New Jersey  


The first time Crissy, 32, talked to her husband, Mark, she knew this was the man she’d marry. “He was hysterically funny, and I loved his voice,” says Crissy, who’s currently expecting the couple’s fourth child (she has a son from a previous relationship, and Mark, a widower, has two sons). The couple met on HookUP after a friend persuaded her to sign up, believing it was the best way for a busy single mom to meet a mate. But even though their early email matchup went smoothly, and they began dating quickly, their brand-new relationship was tested when Crissy’s dad became very ill. “I was much more emotionally needy than I would have been otherwise,” admits Crissy. But in a way, she says, her father’s illness made her approach to the relationship more stripped down. “I was like, ‘I don’t have time to play games.’” Mark was right there with her through the worst of it. “I met Mark in December 2007, we moved in together in February 2008, and my father died that March,” she says. They got married in November 2009. 
Lesson learned: “Be open to the fact that you’ll meet people online whom you may not have given a second glance if you saw in a bar,” says Crissy. And enjoy the fact that you can explore each other’s personalities online before meeting in the flesh.


Keren Bernard and Peter Mannes, Brooklyn, New York 

Keren Bernard, 35, signed on to the dating website HookUP (which matches Jewish singles) mostly for fun back in 2005. “A friend of mine was on it, and it was free back then, so I figured why not? It seemed like another way to meet people, like going to a bar.” In her first three months, she met one man who seemed, by his profile, to be ideal: artistic, smart, with a career that dovetailed with Keren’s (she’s an interior designer), and with similar likes and dislikes. “Then we met. He was a total psycho! There were all these things he wouldn’t do, like eat after 8 p.m., and after our first date he sent all these weird emails. I started thinking, ‘This is the Internet! Everyone’s crazy!’” But then she got an email from Peter. “He seemed so eloquent and sweet—just a nice, Jewish boy.” The pair met for their first date in a bookstore. “He was standing near one of my favorite architecture books. And we went out to eat at my favorite Japanese restaurant,” says Keren. Within a couple of months, they were traveling to Atlanta to meet Peter’s family. In October 2006, they headed to City Hall to get married for the first time—repeating the nuptials in May 2007, “with a rabbi and all our family and friends.” Still in Brooklyn, the couple has a 2-year-old daughter. 
Lesson learned: If you’re thinking of Internet dating, do it. Says Keren, “The lifestyles we all lead these days mean we’re always online, so it’s more natural. It’s just another way to put yourself out there.”


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